Latest Rescue 1122 Jobs in Pakistan 2023 - Hello Pak Jobs

Wednesday 25 January 2023

Latest Rescue 1122 Jobs in Pakistan 2023

 Rescue 1122 Jobs: Latest Rescue 1122 Jobs in Pakistan 2023

Rescue 1122 is an emergency organization working all through Pakistan. You can transform into a piece of Rescue Power and secure Rescue 1122 Situations in Pakistan. Peer down for Rescue 1122 Positions 20203 last dates.

Rescue 1122 is an emergency organization working all through Pakistan. To be significant for a rescue bunch, you can get Rescue 1122 Situations in Pakistan.

Fundamentally dial 1122 from any phone to get to the assistance. Rescue 1122 integrates emergency crisis vehicle, rescue and fire organizations, and neighborhood programs.

Here, we have referred to all of the nuances of Rescue 1122 positions 2020 including its capability measures and assurance process.

Salvage 1122 is a crisis administration that works all through Pakistan. You can be a piece of the Salvage Power and secure Salvage 1122 Positions in Pakistan. Look down For Salvage 1122 Positions 2020 Last Date.

Salvage 1122 is a crisis administration that works all through Pakistan. To be a piece of the Salvage Power, you can secure Salvage 1122 Positions in Pakistan.

The assistance can be gotten to by simply calling 1122 from any telephone. Salvage 1122 incorporates Crisis Emergency vehicle, Salvage and Fire administrations and a Local area Wellbeing program.

Here, we notice every one of the subtleties of the Salvage 1122 positions 2020, including its qualification standards, and choice interaction.

Rescue 1122's characters

Rescue 1122 offers the going with kinds of help with one stop:

  • Emergency conditions

  • fire

  • rescue

  • disaster the chiefs

  • water rescue

  • animal rescue

  • Neighborhood Organizations

  • Save 1122 situations in Pakistan

Rescue 1122 offers occupations in the going with positions:

  • clinical staff

  • clinical staff

  • Support

  • driver

  • genuine mentor

  • expert ready to come in case of an emergency

  • PC head

  • Emergency Clinical Expert (EMT)

  • Firemen

They in like manner offer administrative and IT positions.

How to find the latest Safeguard 1122 positions?

Here is your one small step at a time guide:

Visit Hello Pak Jobs a significant part of an opportunity to get 1122 Position Openings in Pakistan.

At the point when a Rescue 1122 work advancement appears, benevolently take a gander at the capability measures. We will get a handle on it in more detail later.

Expecting that you meet the capability models, assuming no one cares either way, complete the Rescue 1122 solicitation for work structure

Ensuing to joining up, you will complete a movement of evaluations. Peer down to scrutinize the nuances of the assurance program.

You can moreover apply through NTS or PTS testing workplaces, which test competitor for enrollment.

At the point when you are picked, you go to getting ready.

capability models

  • taller than 5'6''

  • 33 inches least bust

  • Insufficient standard

  • Sad vision Under 6/18

  • Heaviness with a BMI of something like 30

  • Hepatitis B and C positive

  • HIV and RPR positive

  • select program

To work with 1122 in Pakistan, a contender ought to pass the going with stages:

formed appraisal:

All formally shortlisted competitors will step through a created test and newcomers who score half will meet all prerequisites for extra challenge.

Real prosperity and clinical appraisal:

Candidates will be screened by real assessments and clinical preliminaries. Last plans are subject to clinical board-truth be told clinical status. Genuine tests include:

  • Sit ups - 25 each second

  • Pushups - 25 reps every second

  • Run and Bounce - Brief Mile

Aptitude Test:

The capacities test is coordinated for all particular positions and competitors ought to score something like half to be equipped for a gathering. These positions include:

  • Control Room Trailblazer

  • Sound Video Cameraman

  • far off subject matter expert

  • PC telephone far off head

  • office PC head

  • capable vehicle head

  • Electrical/Tubewell Proficient

  • vehicle circuit repairman

  • office right hand

  • Office Escort (Culinary subject matter expert)

  • driver

Psychometric/Psychometric Evaluation:

Promising new kids on the block who pass the above stages will go through psychometric testing to review their propriety.


Contenders who pass the above stages will eventually be assessed by a Typical Selection/Decision Board made from people from free government divisions.


Last selection of contenders proposed by the Enlisting Warning gathering is subject to viable completing of getting ready at the Emergency Organizations Establishment or on the spot, dependent upon the possibility of the errand.


The new kid on the block's informational records associated with the application structure are checked and affirmed.

Along these lines, expecting you have adequate energy, joining Rescue 1122 is the best calling choice. This is a phenomenal strategy for serving your country and its inhabitants. So pay special attention to the Rescue 1122 Positions Advancement and the Rescue 1122 Positions 2023 Online Apply.

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