Chief Health, P5, Islamabad, Pakistan - Hello Pak Jobs

Saturday 21 January 2023

Chief Health, P5, Islamabad, Pakistan

 Chief Health, P5, Islamabad, Pakistan #6978

 Work No: 558120

Kind of Agreement: Fixed Term Arrangement

Obligation Station: Islamabad

Level: P-5

Area: Pakistan

Classifications: Wellbeing

UNICEF works in a portion of the world's most troublesome spots, to arrive at the world's most distraught kids. To save their lives. To shield your freedoms. Assisting them with realizing their true capacity.

In 190 nations and domains, we work to construct a superior world for each kid, all over, each day.

  • Furthermore, we won't ever surrender.

  • For each youngster, wellbeing

How might you have an effect?

Pakistan was the 6th country on the planet to sign and sanction the Show on the Freedoms of the Youngster, under a year after it was embraced by the Unified Countries General Gathering in 1989...

UNICEF upholds the Public authority of Pakistan to speed up youngsters' turn of events, pursue accomplishing the Maintainable Improvement Objectives (SDGs) and assist kids with understanding their freedoms under the Show on the Privileges of the Kid. This will be worked areas of strength for through with, in addition to other things, commonplace specialists, educators, and wellbeing experts, bleeding edge laborers and social mobilizers, networks, and families, and kids and young people themselves.

Specifically, UNICEF will work to:

  • Each youngster lives and flourishes - - being healthy, inoculated, safeguarded against polio, and approaching nutritious food.

  • Each youngster learns.

  • Each youngster is safeguarded from brutality and abuse and is enrolled upon entering the world.

  • Each youngster lives in a protected and clean climate, with admittance to clean drinking water and satisfactory sterilization.

  • To study UNICEF's work in Pakistan, kindly visit the country site at and recordings on YouTube and Vimeo

Answering the Main Wellbeing (Level 5) Appointee Delegate is liable for the general administration and organization of well-being program advancement, arranging, execution, checking, and assessment inside the national program with regards to youngster endurance and improvement. Responsible for compelling specialized authority, the board direction, and program backing to work with the execution and variation of UNICEF approaches and methodologies to accomplish program objectives and UNICEF, including the accomplishment of the Economical Advancement Objectives (SDGs). Increasing well-being mediations with the assistance of

As Segment Boss, I am an equipped group of experts and care staff to accomplish the well-being program's key objectives and targets to help all areas, including orientation mainstreaming, to accomplish well-being results. Coordinates, leads, make due, creates, and empowers the group. Value in all parts of the national program. Adds to building synergistic organizations that fortify different associations - remembering other UN offices - SDGs key course for regions where UNICEF has a center liability or near benefit, for example, maternal, infant, and youngster care. Interrelated areas of wellbeing.

Works intently in philanthropic activity, with nourishment, well-being groups, WASH, and different areas as fitting inside the Between Office Standing Panel (IASC).

To separate, the occupant will be answerable for key vital capabilities, responsibility, and follow-up related obligations/undertakings.

1. Ideal and subjective sectoral investigation, information, backing, and coordination of circumstance examination, its ordinary updates, and add to all program reports for viable wellbeing objectives, procedures, and task arranging and improvement. are

Guide, guide and facilitate to guarantee ideal planning and fulfillment of significant parts of situational examination through precise checking and investigation and its customary refreshing and opportune readiness and conclusion of sectoral inputs. Guarantees successful venture, sectoral or between sectoral arranging, improvement, and the executives. Consistently counsels and facilitates with key partners at all levels.

Lays out departmental program objectives, goals, and systems. Directs the arrangement of the Nation Program Record and sectoral contributions to related reports, guaranteeing the arrangement of the Sectoral Program with public needs and approaches and the Assembled Countries Reasonable Advancement Participation System (UNSDCF), including the Normal Nation Examination ( CCA); and teams up with other significant wellbeing players - including the World Bank, WHO, UNFPA and other UN organizations - to speed up progress in accomplishing the wellbeing related Practical Improvement Objectives. can go.

2. Incorporated well-being methodologies, approaches, and creative methodologies in light of an outcomes-based approach and common liberties structure are created and carried out through broad organizations and cooperation with interior and outer organizations.

As a feature of the senior supervisory crew guarantees the joining of the sectoral program with other UNICEF regions at all phases of the programming system. Expands on intersectoral experience and produces associations to elevate creative ways to deal with address prompt and central determinants of maternal, infant, and youngster wellbeing, perceiving that wellbeing results are just the aftereffect of wellbeing. Activities in the field don't have results. It in this manner keeps up with close working associations with different areas of UNICEF, especially Wellbeing, Polio, Nourishment, WASH, HIV/Helps, Schooling, Kid Assurance, and Program Correspondence, to facilitate well-being programs in different areas. Joining/transformation can be guaranteed.

Gives authority, direction, and heading for the plan and advancement of well-being objectives, in discussion with key accomplices for key and UNICEF support projects.

UNICEF draws in with legislatures, givers, and different accomplices in recognizing creative ways of working on coordinated techniques, cycles, and program conveyance, in light of basic freedoms structures and cross-area draws near. Accentuation is put on support, local area investment, and social assembly. also, local areas limit improvement.

Brings lucidness, coordination, and enhanced sectoral or project-the-board processes utilizing an outcomes-based administration way to deal with arranging and planning, executing, checking, and assessment.

Use key organizations on unambiguous issues as well as chosen associations with worldwide assets, multilateral and respective offices, and advancement banks to further develop relations with the confidential area: Lay out joint promotion positions; as such, recommending new strategies for funding, and impacting venture choices. New answers for giving merchandise and supplies to unfortunate families are most out of luck.

Screens the most recent well-being advancements at global, local, and public levels. Distinguishes/grows new strategies and practices to oversee and further develop program viability and conveyance effectiveness; and improves cooperation with accomplices, zeroing in on the advancement of an organization structure that tends to explicit requirements and can use assets and scale up programs.

Endlessly assesses specialized, institutional, and monetary achievability and limitations of projects/projects in coordination and cooperation with the government and different accomplices.

Lays out dynamic and cooperative organizations with key partners (Government, other UN offices, NGOs, respective offices, contributors, and public and worldwide scholarly foundations) in well-being program plan and execution. It works at various stages.

3. Specialized help is given to government and non-government associations at all phases of program support, including limited working of government authorities and recipients.

    Gives direction and backing to government and non-government associations at public and commonplace levels in the preparation, improvement, and execution periods of projects/projects. Designs, coordinates, and screens preparing and direction exercises for government authorities and recipients and other significant accomplices fully intent on building institutional limits and expanding administration inclusion.

4. Program execution is observed and assessed efficiently to change, speed up and further develop program conveyance.

In a joint effort with different partners, lays out successful data and detailing frameworks to screen and assess the well-being program effect and accomplishment of designated objectives.

Screen and assess project execution in the field. Partakes in a key survey and arranging gatherings with government accomplices and key partners to survey and assess program adequacy, recognize issues to speed up/further develop program conveyance, and Make remedial moves.

5. Work plans and goals are successfully settled, execution is made due, and arranged results are conveyed promptly through the activity of solid program the board administration.

   As a significant segment head, the Central Wellbeing assumes a sense of ownership with the improvement of results-based sectoral work plans, as well as the board oversight and execution of sectoral project exercises, following characterized project procedures and approaches. As per Lays an organization system that pools ability and assets.

Targets and objectives are met and accomplished promptly by giving exhortation, direction, management, coordination, and backing to expert and care staff.

6. Limit working of the country office staff is fortified through successful limit-building programs in well-being program improvement, execution, and the executives.

   Leads and organizes staff preparing/advancement programs with provincial and central command counselors to fortify the limit of UNICEF country office staff to dynamically include them in well-being program improvement, execution, and the executives; and Can direct in it. Administers related direction, studio, preparing, and staff learning/advancement exercises, including depending on specialized associations with coordinating offices to give staff the most cutting-edge specialized data.

7. Responsibility of UNICEF and the Government is guaranteed for the conveyance and non-conveyance and payment of program assets to the area.

   Organizes tasks and supply staff on supply and non-supply help exercises to guarantee UNICEF and government responsibility and responsibility of accomplices. Supports the payment of assets, guaranteeing that exercises are inside laid out strategies and program financial plan allotments. furthermore, directing and preparing government and UNICEF executing accomplices in UNICEF supply and non-supply strategies and techniques. Regulates the general designation and payment of program reserves, which are appropriately organized, checked, and dispensed to guarantee assets. Finds a way suitable ways to further develop the use of program reserves.

Guarantees program execution and conveyance through a thorough and straightforward way to deal with program arranging, observing, and assessment. Submits monetary status reports to the executives in consistency with guidelines and rules.

8. Viable associations and joint efforts are accomplished and kept up with in the advancement of support, specialized collaboration, program coordination, data sharing, and information organizing.

Practices administration for specialized participation, program coordination and backing in wellbeing areas, and information networks with different projects to recognize new methodologies and strategies to speed up the conveyance of program results and advance viable promotion. Guarantees sharing of work and experience.

   Partakes in the foundation of viable checking, information data sets/organizations, and announcing frameworks to guarantee the accessibility of current and exact program data/information, and adds to the advancement of correspondence materials and procedures: backing and supporting local area cooperation; and expanding associations with all partners at the public, territorial, region, local area, and family levels, as well as financing accomplices, including the confidential area, to speed up the accomplishment of wellbeing related SDGs.

Advances organizations and joint efforts with outer partners, including UN and public accomplices, to further develop the ability to gather and scatter significant information, and trade data on program/project improvement and execution. can go. Guarantees trade of information, data, experience, and illustrations learned.

9. The most applicable and key data is given to help the well-being program through the successful execution of an incorporated program-checking framework.

   In a joint effort with observing and assessment and program correspondences partners, gathers exact and ideal checking and information, and supports a coordinated program observing framework in conference with every single pertinent partner.

   Offers specialized help to guarantee that a bunch of program execution markers are distinguished and changed on a case-by-case basis. Organizes with accomplices to guarantee that checking frameworks are appropriately planned, and that information assortment and investigation from field visits are integrated into program execution observing. It is coordinated and normalized.

   Takes part in key assessment works out, mid-term program surveys, yearly area audits, and see gatherings with government partners and any remaining applicable accomplices. Examines and assesses information to guarantee the accomplishment of goals and suggests remedial activities as proper.

   Drawing on observing and investigating key program execution and the board markers, gives master contribution to the executive's reports, including applicable areas of yearly reports. Gives specialized guidance to program staff, government partners, and different accomplices on arranging and directing incorporated observing and assessment.

10. All expected program reports are ready as quickly as possible as per laid out rules and methods.

   Screens and guarantees opportune readiness of yearly area status reports in consistence with laid out rules and methods. Partakes in the readiness of all program reports for the executives, board, givers, financial plan audits, program examination, and yearly reports, and gives direction and backing in program announcing. what's more, shares data with significant accomplices on a case-by-case basis.

11. Crisis readiness is kept up with, and in crisis circumstances, crisis reaction is furnished with successful coordination.

   Adds to the improvement of well-being, sustenance, WASH, polio, and other crisis readiness intends to advance coordinated programming. In case of a crisis, takes part in observing and assessing the nature and degree of the crisis in the relegated region. Arranges and help the Country Office in recognizing where the backing is required with regards to prompt reaction as well as long haul procedure and arranging. Reinforces associations with philanthropic entertainers in well-being, sustenance, training, WASH, and youngster security inside the Between Office Standing Board (IASC), by the Center Responsibilities for Kids in Helpful Activity (CCCs).

12. Other allocated obligations and obligations are done successfully.

Performs different obligations and obligations as doled out steady with the motivation behind this post, and conveys results on a case-by-case basis.

*First school accreditation (single man) in the fundamental field should be perceptible with an additional two expert experiences rather than an undisputed degree of the state-of-the-art procedure in order to qualify as a decoration for each vivacious you have. A solid confirmation (master's or above) of school support in the typical new turn of events (ideally making planning, thriving status, clinical speculative improvement directors, HIV/disorder end or helps change), an adolescent new turn

Having 10 years of experience in the public sector and meeting all of the criteria for activities confirmation, execution savvy, solid quality, and improvement related to youth achievement programs' perception of talented workers in positions of authority or professional settings that promote health, vitality, and healing.

information regarding past assignments. In English, Foundation/Crisis Joint Norm Information is standard. A resource is an information written in another UN power language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, or Spanish) or a language closely related to it.

You demonstrate to each adolescent that UNICEF's Acumen of Care, Respect, Beneficence, Trust, and Obligation (CARITAS) keeps track of everything we do and how we do it. Find out how to understand values: This position requires UNICEF to limit... This position requires UNICEF to be able to assist, motivate, and control individuals to demonstrate thought and moral reasoning cheerfully collaborate with others perseverance and a basic understanding of commitments embrace change and progress (2); Taking Action and Thinking Decisively determination to achieve fundamental outcomes Highlights of requirements and requirements (2) During the attestation correspondence, we examine the contenders in accordance with the dominance structure. Essentially, many components of our ability structure and its various levels: plan for a stop here.

Life at UNICEF There is nothing like working at UNICEF. We provide you with a remarkable compensation package that includes substantial benefits and compensation, a work environment that fosters employee well-being, and various avenues for individual and managerial advancement. Both are available to assist you in maintaining a happy life.

We guarantee that you and your loved ones will receive the resources and attention they truly require to thrive. We provide our employees with a variety of benefits and provide them with a sensible workplace with restrictions. Our frameworks, government support devices, and drives ensure that you are surprised to tie kids, such as the Revolution of Charge, family settlement, bother benefits, ten United Nations open entrances and annual leave grant, maternity, paternity, gathered leave, medical and dental confirmation, annuity, and other benefits.

Calling Back, the Staff Government Assistance Program, Systems for Breastfeeding, Adaptable Work Moves Close, a Youth Care Room, Family Sponsorship, Plans and Drives, Security, and other things like these

UNICEF absolutely supports the use of flexible work arrangements.

Our general workforce ought to reflect the level of this enthusiasm because UNICEF is here to serve the world's most uptight youth. To give a touch of frontal cortex science, the UNICEF family relies on including everyone without regard to race/character, age, dissatisfaction, uniqueness, sexual orientation, religion, work, beat foundation down, or some other clear brand.

A zero-congruity system is used by UNICEF to manage conflicts with countries connected to it and the organization's goals and focus convictions, such as sexual disarray and abuse, poorly informed work practices, power abuse, and dissemination. Is. In this regard, UNICEF adheres to absurd youth certification rules. These guidelines and rules will be adhered to by all selected competitors, who will likely be subject to a comprehensive background and reference check. By displaying a license and work history, individual reviews will be enhanced in good taste. Individual assessments may benefit from additional data provided by selected and approaching novices.


Portability is a state of worldwide expert work with UNICEF and a foundation of global common help.

Just the shortlisted applicants will be reached and taken to the following phase of the choice cycle.

Confirmed instructive declarations are a pre-imperative for work at UNICEF.

UNICEF's dynamic obligation to variety and consideration is basic to conveying the best results for kids. Qualified and appropriate female applicants will be liked for this post.

Arrangement to UNICEF is dependent upon clinical freedom. Arrangements are likewise dependent upon immunization necessities, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus). Government representatives being considered for work with UNICEF are generally expected to leave their administration prior to working with UNICEF. UNICEF claims all authority to pull out the proposal of arrangement, without remuneration, under any circumstance, in the event that visa or clinical leeway isn't gotten inside a sensible timeframe, or on the other hand in the event that fundamental vaccination prerequisites are not met.

This opportunity declaration is available to all (inside and outer) applicants.

Promoted: 21 December 2022 Pakistan Standard Time

Cutoff time: 05 February 2023 Pakistan Standard Time

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